Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break

I keep seeing all over facebook things about Spring Break. It's been going on for the last few weeks and quite frankly I am jealous. From age 5-21 every March we got a whole week off of school- basically for nothing. Going from that to the real world where you have to use vacation time and it is limited for breaks is quite hard. I wish I was relaxing on a beach, or just sitting at home doing nothing.
My spring breaks growing up were relatively routine. Every year my sister Paige would go stay with our Nani and Nana while Mom, Evan and I went to go visit my Aunt Becky and cousin's, Brittany and Skyler.
I can't really remember what we did all week but I am sure our mother's were sick of us by the end of it. A few of my favorite spring break memories:

-Going to the Capital (Topeka) My mom thought it would be good to take us somewhere educational. According to my mom my Aunt Becky didn't understand why she would want to do that b/c it seemed so boring. But for little kids it was really amazing. I am pretty sure we got to meet someone important..maybe the Governor? Or probably a Senator from middle of no where Kansas.

-One Spring Break Brittany and I thought it would be a lot of fun to have a prank war with our brothers. So the first night there we waited until they went to bed and then snuck into Skyler's room and put their hands in warm water and painted their finger nails. They didn't pee the bed like we hoped but they sure were confused when they woke up with painted nails. Now this started a full on war- in which our mother's were TOTALLY on the boys' side. They justified it by saying they were younger and didn't have any good ideas. Their first order of business was to put saran wrap on the toilet, which we found before we used the bathroom. I am sure we did something back but the one thing I remember the most was later in the week when we went to dinner. We all ordered cheeseburgers and my mom and Becky wanted our picture. Apparently there is a picture out there of Evan and Skyler putting tabasco all over our burgers while Brittany and I unknowingly smiled for the camera. Honestly, that was really mean. I loved food and to ruin my dinner like that! That is all I can really remember of that one...

-I remember another time when I got to Lawrence Brittany was so excited to see me and gave me a best friend necklace. Of course we are still best friends to this day :-)

-As I got older Spring Breaks were mostly about working. All through high school and college I mostly worked. My senior year of high school though my friends Emily and Debbie and I all went on a road trip to Western Kansas. I  know, how cool. But Debbie and I went to camp together and all of our camp friends lived out there. We first visisted Michael Sager- he entertained us in Bird City by showing us how to throw bottles and street signs while you drive really fast by them. That visit to Bird City was a lot of fun and memorable to say the least. We next went to Garden City and visited Quincy and Sam. Debbie and Sam had something going on and so Emily and I hung out with Quincy most of the time. I am pretty sure they took us roller skating at the awesome Garden City roller rink. It was also while in Garden City that Emily wrecked my dad's car. Needless to say my dad was pissed... That was a good trip though. Lots of laughs and memories made.

-Throughout college Spring break was all about coming back home and working at Jose Peppers. Don't get me wrong I loved the money but all of my friends went on awesome trips. Finally senior year my friend Jenn and I along with 5 guys went to South Padre. Gotta say that was a crazy time. We drove through the night to get there and were apart of one of the student city type trips. We had a blast. Booze cruizes, trips to Mexico, among countless trips to the pool and ocean. It was a blast.

Since then though my Spring Breaks have consisted of working- at my real job. What I know today is that Spring Breaks are something to be cherished. As we grow older it is important to value the breaks you have during school. Don't rush to grow up. Enjoy every moment of your breaks and soak it up b/c it goes away very fast...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Nani and Nana

I woke up with this morning after a horrible dream. One of those dreams that takes you the entire day to shake. My dream was about my family. We were on a boat outside of India, which I will explain why that makes sense later, and protesting how the British were treating the people of India. My Grandfather (Nana) was leading the family and in my dream had been leading the family on protests throughout India for quite sometime. The British got aboard are boat, and needless to say were not too happy. My Nana began speaking to them about what we were doing and they handcuffed him. They then took him down by the water and made him jump in. I saw it happen and ran to my Nani (Grandmother) and began sobbing she looked at me and said "I have never been more proud of my family".

Then I woke up. What a horrifying dream but at the same time it really tells a lot about my family. My Nani grew up in India. Her parents were missionaries there and she was raised to help others. My Nana is a United Methodist Minister and has been involved in various non-profits throughout his life. He has also been very involved in politics and has been known to attend a rally or two. This past weekend they went to Topeka to rally for the Union workers. My Nani said it reminded her of the marches and rallies they attended during the 1960's civil rights movement. My Nana almost went to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. but did not have the bus fare to get to Alabama. Both of them are very involved in politics and will speak their mind on what they believe is right and wrong in this world. And I am sure you can guess they are very strong and involved Democrats- as is everyone in my family.

I get my passion for victims rights, women's rights, and human rights from my Grandparents. When I am around them all we talk about is politics, what it was like growing up when they did and the injustices in this world. My family is very intelligent and knows the importance of educating others.

I think my dream came from all the events happening around the world. The events in Egypt, the defunding of Planned Parenthood, the Unions, and so much more. In my dream we were protesting the way Britain was treating the people of India.
It makes me think about the way the United States is treating Muslim Americans. Shunning people due to their religious beliefs is against what this great country was founded on. Didn't the founding fathers come here to escape religious persecution? Didn't they make freedom of religion a part of the Constitution? I think they would be embarrassed at the way Americans are now acting. I think they would yell and scream that this is not what they wanted their country to be.

The Tea Party will say that the United States needs to get back to its roots, that we are a Christian Nation and "In God We Trust". I find that funny. We were not founded as a Christian Nation and the phrase "In God We Trust" came about in the 1950's. And it is my understanding that the US got it's Independence and became a country in 1776. So that seems strange. The Tea Party looks down upon anyone that is not Christian, that fights for human rights, and that thinks we all should be treated equally.
Supporting the Tea Party is supporting the persecutors, just like in my dream. And unfortunately people like me, that fight for people's rights and the injustices are the first ones to be shot at and harmed.

My Nani and Nana taught me about human rights, about how to treat others, about how to stand up for what you believe in, and how to show compassion and support to those in need. I am so thankful for them. Without them I might not have become the person I am today. I will never be too scared to say what I believe and to stand up for people's rights.

While my dream was devastating, I think my Nani was right. I am so proud of my family. No matter what life brings us, we will always stand up for what we believe in.

What I know today is that there are so many injustices in this world and that I will always stand up for what I believe in. I will always fight for victim's and women's rights and that I owe this ability and passion to my Nani and Nana. I love you! And keep fighting the fight!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reality TV

I know it sounds pathetic but I love reality TV. I love coming home and watching something completely mindless. I spend my whole day talking about violence so I like to come home and have nothing to do with it.
I tried to start watching the news, but all they ever talk about is people being killed and more violence. So I gave up on that. I tried to start watching drama shows, but the majority of them are about being killed and violence so I also gave up on that. And I realized reality TV is my favorite

While I know some reality TV has violence- it's the funny kind. You know women screaming at each other, people getting drunk and doing stupid stuff, fighting over a man, etc.

Some of my favorites:

Real Housewives. I don't care which city they are from, I love them all. I love watching how they treat money like it is no object, I love how they fight all the time and I love how they are such bitches.

The Bachelor. I began watching The Bachelor with the first season. I remember Alex, the first, and I remember that the girl he picked is from Chanute, KS. Now, if you know anything about Chanute that should say enough about this girl. I forgot watching it while I lived at Alpha Chi, mainly b/c it was hard to fight over the TV. But rest assured I began watching it again as soon as I moved out of there. It is on every Monday, and I have to bribe my husband to let me watch it. He sits there and complains the whole time but I don't care I love it. And yes, I know that most of the relationships won't work out but I still love the idea of it.

Top Chef. I LOVE COOKING. Every night when I get home from work my favorite thing to do is cook. I kick Paul out of the kitchen and I cook. Sometimes it is something simple, but shows like Top Chef inspire me to do more. Of course my husband doesn't complain. Last night Paul told me that when he was little his dad told him "find a girl that can cook". And Paul is lucky that he did. I think he knows how lucky he is. :-)

What I know today is that no matter how difficult your day may be, TV can truly turn your day around and make you forget all the negative things that happen. While some of the reality tv has violence- it is not as violent as the stuff I hear about all day long. Sometimes I just need a break from all of that and let my mind be filled with pure Crap.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I am going to be in the paper!

I was asked to write a letter to the editor regarding the recent legislation that was passed taking away government funding from Planned Parenthood as well as Title X funding.

This is the biggest attack on women's reproductive health rights in a really long time. This attack means that women that are not insured would not be able to get affordable cancer screenings, HIV/STI testing and treatment, well woman exams, and contraceptives. As stated in my previous blog this is very needed in this country to help prevent un intended pregnancies. I find it ironic that the GOP is trying to take away these services that help to prevent un intended pregnancies and keep the numbers of abortions down.
It seems as though they will do anything to oppress women and make sure we understand that they are in charge.

The vote is going before the Senate next. It is very important everyone contacts their Senators in Washington and ask them to vote against this bill.

Here is what I wrote for the Kansas City Star- which will be published in the next few days.

Rep. Mike Pence’s “Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act” would have a devastating impact on women’s health care across the country. Title X funding provides family planning, annual exams, cancer screenings, and treatment for sexually transmitted infections - all services provided by Planned Parenthood.

More than 90 percent of the health care services offered by Planned Parenthood are preventative and Title X helps fund those types of services, making them affordable for low income women. In many rural areas this is the only place women have to go for family planning services. Title X services are incredibly effective, helping to prevent nearly one million unintended pregnancies each year, almost half of which would otherwise end in abortion.

Title X has played a critical role in our nation’s health care system for over 40 years. Rep. Mike Pence’s proposed bill is a clear attack on women’s reproductive rights and Planned Parenthood. I encourage all to tell their Representatives that this bill is extremely counter productive, and will not only increase the number of unintended pregnancies but also the number of abortions in the United States, which is the exact opposite of what Planned Parenthood and their opposition want.

What I  know today is that I can relate to the women that fought for abortion rights, and to the women that fought for our right to vote. I know that women have come a long way in equal rights but that there may never be a day where we are truly equal. I know that until there is an equal rights ammendment, until we are paid the same, until we are no longer beaten, oppressed and controlled reproductively there will always be a fight. And that this is a fight worth fighting.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Best Friend, Lacy

I was in the car this morning listening to some tunes thinking about the day and a song came on the radio that made me think of my best friend, Lacy.
"Jesse's Girl" That may seem weird to others that this particular song makes me think of her but here's why:
In college we took a Sociology of Women class. During that class we were put in to groups for a big project. Our project focus was the objectification on women in music. And Jesse's Girl was one of the songs we picked. If you really listen to the words you would understand why. But now, every time I hear that song I think of that project and Lacy. That project got us an A- no thanks to the other 2 people in our group. In case you are wondering we also talked about how empowering Pat Benetar and Janet Jackson are for women- haha.

Lacy and I have been best friends for 11 years in September. So as you can imagine there are a lot of songs that remind me of her.

"I love you Alway Forever" by Donna Lewis-
Lacy and I were a little obsessed with these 2 guys in high school- I won't mention their names out of pure embarassment. But one night we drove around in my truck for 3 hours and listened to this song over and over again. We even replaced the "blue eyes" line with "green eyes" b/c the loves of our lives both had green eyes. We made a pact that night that when we lost of virginity we would play that song. But neither of us followed through on that pact. (Mom and Scarlett- that is of course because Jimmy and Paul were not fans of the song :-) )

"Like a Prayer" by Madonna
This song is our anthem, with Ltrain of course. Ltrain aka Lindsay Hoogner. We used to drive around in Lacy's Lebaron Convertible blaring this song. It was simply our favorite. And really is our anthem. Every time it comes on the radio I call Lacy and just play it on her voicemail. If Lacy and I are together we call Lindsay- If Lindsay and Lacy are together they call me. You get the picture.

Those are probably the three songs that remind me the most of my Lacy.
Lacy and I have been through heartache, marriage, divorce, death, illness, crazy ex-friends, and so much more. She truly is my best friend in the entire world.

What I know today is that having a best friend is the most important thing in the world. There is NOTHING I wouldn't talk to her about or not be comfortable telling her. She literally knows everything about me- more than my mom, sister, or husband. And that's b/c she is my best friend. She is non juding, caring, kind and quite simply one of my favorite people in the world. I know that without her I might have turned out to be incredibly boring.

I love you Lacy:-)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why I volunteer with Planned Parenthood

I was recently asked to write about why I volunteer with Planned Parenthood. I wrote a long piece all about my upbringing- how my family taught me about equality and women's rights. How I work in the domestic violence field and hear women say on a daily basis that they are scared to bring a child into their home, and how I truly believe in the work that they do there.

There has been a lot of oppostion to Planned Parenthood in the last few weeks. Bills being written to take away funding, to penalize people who's insurance will assist with abortion services, etc.
 I posted something on my facebook today- asking people to stand with planned parenthood.
I got a response from someone I went to church with in Wichita that said "their take on abortions. one billion dollars annually". It made me disgusted. I know that people believe Planned Parenthood is only in it for ALL the money they are making. I mean they are obviously one of the most successful, rich organizations in the country... I mean seriously?? That is not the case. Planned Parenthood believes in providing affordable healthcare to low income families, education and prevention before anything else, in hopes to prevent women from ever having to make the decision to terminate a pregnancy. But also believes in a woman's right to choose and fears what would happen if that was ever taken away.

There are so many reasons why pregnancies are terminated and before we go placing blame on the agencies that assist women in need why don't we address the issue of unintended pregnancy in the first place.

-Educate youth on birth control and safe sex.

-Provide condoms and contraception to people that need them or can't afford them.

-Understand that victims of domestic violence are often experiencing reproductive control and might be terrified to bring a child into that relationship

-Provide/Offer victims of sexual assault with Plan B- in all cases

My mom sent me a quote today that really made me start to think

“There are tens of millions Americans who oppose abortion because of deeply held moral principles. But they’re attached to a political movement that sometimes seems to have come unmoored from any concern for life after birth.”

For anyone that has ever protested at a Family Planning Clinic, worked at a Pregnancy crisis center or convinced someone to not terminate a pregnancy. I sure hope you helped her after the baby was born.

What I know today is that so many people are focused on a political movement. And that unintended pregnancies will continue to happen and if a woman's right to choose is ever revoked people will still find a way to terminate pregnancies- which would cause illness and death to many women. Which would be a huge step back.
I also know that if Planned Parenthood's funds were taken away it would be extremely counter-productive. Planned Parenthood provides affordable health care and contraceptives, and SOME of their agencies provide abortion services- if they lost funding people would not have a place to receive affordable contraceptives, STD screening and exams- thus increasing STD's, unintended pregnancies and abortions. Which seems to be opposite of what anti-choice folks want.

I know that Planned Parenthood is an amazing organization and I will always support and stand by them. I am proud to be associated with such a place!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My First Post

Hello Blogging world! I never thought I would blog. I honestly love reading other people's blogs but never thought I had anything to write about, or that any one would actually read it.
I decided to start blogging because I feel as though there is a lot I have to say. Regarding family, friends, social issues, work, etc.
I was thinking that maybe my blog should have some sort of theme so I decided to write about what I know. What I have learned, what I have witnessed, what I have experienced. I am actually not sure if that is a theme but just go with it.

So a little about me-
-I am 25 years old

-I have 2 dogs- Charlie and McGehee. They are very spoiled and next to my husband the loves of my life.

-I have been married for almost 2 years. My husband, Paul, and I will celebrate our 2 year anniversary this year. I met Paul at a bar. Yep, that's the truth. My grandmother tells people that we met at the domestic violence shelter I was working at and that he was the police officer that brought a woman to shelter. While I love the idea of that story- there is absolutely no truth in that. We simply met in a bar and the rest is history!

-I love my family- old and new! My family is very close and we all live in the same area. My sister is engaged and getting married Oct. 1st- of course I am the Matron of Honor and my husband is the best man! Paige works for a non-profit and is truly amazing. My brother just moved back in with my parents. He is "in between" things right now- but really a cool kid with a lot of passion for music and life. My parents live 10 minutes from me. My dad was recently laid off and my mom works for Planned Parenthood. I am so proud of my mom and really look up to her. My new family- meaning my husband's parents- live 2.5 hours from us. I am truly blessed to have married into such a close knit family that is loving and kind. I really love my in laws.

-I am very passionate and I hope that comes across in this blog. I believe strongly in equality for women, women's reproductive rights, that violence against women is and epidemic and has to stop, that our country is ruining itself, and that in order for anything to happen people have to listen to each other, accept differences and figure out common ground.

What I know today is that the last 4 years have truly challenged my family and friends. In good ways and bad. We have had death, separation, cancer, strokes, seizures, addiciton, lay offs, and so much more. But we have also had babies, weddings, graduations, engagments, and so many things to be thank ful for.
I am so thank ful for my family and friends. And truly know that I would be lost without them.

So enjoy reading my blog...who knows what I will write about next!